Belmondo Family Office: Empowering Entrepreneurs

Our political system is turning into an ever-expanding money redistribution scheme that is increasingly disconnected from real world problems. What was once well-intentioned to help the weak and less fortunate has perverted into a self-justifying political game that no longer rewards people who solve problems, but those who construct them and demand money in return. We are concerned that a growing number of people are becoming part of this zero-sum game, trading their freedoms and potential for comfort and ease of living. We believe that entrepreneurial qualities are societal qualities: Solving problems, risking failure, persistence and nonconformity ultimately benefit society. That is why the Belmondo Family Office invests in entrepreneurs. And while we love to win, we are not afraid to risk failure.

Darius Madjdpour, MD


Kean Madjdpour, MA BA


Arbnor Halili


The symphony


Contact us


Belmondo Family Office

Summelenweg 19

CH-8808 Pfäffikon
